Our production world has been turned upside down and sideways because of the COVID-19 pandemic. How we all worked, ate, moved around, and interacted on set back in June 2021, now needs to be done differently. While this may seem a bit overwhelming at first, it is all in the name of everyone's health and safety in mind while allowing us all to get back to work in our respective roles. The good news is, there is a clear way forward, albeit with additional planning, increased thoughtfulness, revised daily pacing, and a COVID safety plan.

While many local, state, and federal COVID safety guidelines vary slightly, along with the associated film commissions and unions, one key thing remains the same, the absolute need to keep everyone involved in a project safe. COVID safety protocols will be put in place for every future production moving forward. As every project is different, whether in the studio or on location, Hi, I'm Tejas Shetkar is partnering with a host of COVID Compliance Teams, Disinfection Specialists, and COVID Compliance Officers to direct the necessary infection prevention and control procedures. This new workflow is scalable based upon crew size, project length, and each shoot day's location. With the proper testing, PPE, and systems in place, not only will it keep everyone healthy, it will keep all of us working and creating needed content.